Girl Geek-Out – Is a FREE Higher Education Possible??

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The next installment of Girl Geek-Out is a week early!! I intend on this being a once a week article but this is to exciting to wait a week to tell you about. They will be launching Early Feb so you need to know this NOW 🙂

My 17 yr old who is a senior in High School came across this on Reddit and was quite excited about the idea himself, but now that I’ve read it over I’m seriously considering it for myself.

World Education University they are the first to offer full degree granting courses at no cost to the students ONLINE. Funding for the school is through advertisements displayed while on the site. A small price to pay for a FREE College Education.

At this time WEU is not accredited  they do mention they have the papers prepared and are working at becoming accredited  however make no claim to when and if they will be able to.  At first thought this is a bit of a concern, like how will I be able to transfer my credits or will the degree I earn hold up to anything. I however did some looking into this, I noticed that a lot of accredited colleges and universities actually include a part in the their credit transfer policy regarding non-accredited college credits and most that I found will give you some credit for those. I saw one school they limit you to 45 credits transferred from a non-accredited institution. And lines like that seemed to be the norm.

They offer the following Programs & Degrees

  • Associate of Arts in Digital Media
  • Certificate in Motion Graphics
  • Diploma in Criminal Justice
  • Diploma in Medical Billing
  • Diploma in Medical Coding
  • Diploma in Paralegal Studies
  • Graduate Certificate in Art Therapy
  • Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Process
  • Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution and Mediation
  • Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution in the Workplace
  • Graduate Certificate in Educational Psychology
  • Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering
  • Graduate Certificate in Information Systems
  • Graduate Certificate in International Business
  • Graduate Certificate in Neuropsychology
  • Graduate Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship
  • Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering
  • Master of Arts in Management
  • Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Dispute Resolution
  • Master of Education in Instructional Mathematics K-8
  • Master of Science in Criminal Justice
  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
  • Master of Science in Expressive Art Therapies
  • Master of Science in Information Systems
  • Master of Science in Psychology
  • Master of Science in Systems Engineering

On the Associate Degrees this includes the typical General Education Courses that you would take in any institution. Be sure to look through their actual Full Catalog to see the full requirements and prerequisites for any degree you are after.

I am looking into the Associate of Arts in Digital Media, I believe it will help me with becoming a better blogger for you guys and help me with my other venture of Graphic Arts. I will be taking on 22 Courses total. This is a completely new venture for me, when I graduated High School in 1997 I flirted with the idea of continuing my education but since I was raising my oldest and helping my mom out, I just never found the time.

For me accredited or not this is the best option I have, I do not have the option of taking on a education cost. And in this day and age, college education or not, it does not fully seem to matter. However taking the time to learn more, and focus your time on something has to be worth something, even if just for a personal satisfaction of knowing you did it.

WEU is not the only Free Online options to education there are plenty of other Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) options , however the others just tend to offer a certificate of mastery.

MIT has MITx and offers 8 courses on the joint effort website edX along with Harvard, Berkeley, Wellesley, Georgetown & University of Texas. Again none of these will earn you a degree, or college credits. Just a chance at learning from a top educational institute.

Other sites with courses from Top universities are Udacity & Coursera

How exciting right?? Why not click one of those share buttons below and let your friends know 🙂

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