The Twelve Days of Christmas – Enjoy & Share

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This is not my work, but it is to cute to not share. If you grew up in the 80’s then you most likely can appreciate a good piece of  ASCII Art.

      _______)    _______)   ,__)      ____,           ____,   
     (--||_, _   (--|      _ |   _    (--| \ _    ,   (--/ \ ,_,
       _|| |(/_    _|(_|_)(/_|\/(/_     _|_/(_|\|/_)_    \_/_|_
      (    |__,   (                    (     ,__|         ,__|

                  ____,,__)     ,__)
                 (--/ `|_,,_' ,-|-,_,_, _  ,
                   /   | || |/_)| | | |(_|/_)
                   \__,  |__,   |__,  

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
A Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Two Turtle Doves
                           _      _    
                          <')_,/ <') ,/
                          (_==/  (_==/
                           ='-    ='-

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Three French Hens

                    (\  }\   (\  }\   (\  }\
                   (  \_('> (  \_('> (  \_('>
                   (__(=_)  (__(=_)  (__(=_)
                      -"=      -"=      -"=

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Four Calling Birds

                 ___       ___       ___       ___
                ('v')     ('v')     ('v')     ('v')
               ((   ))   ((   ))   ((   ))   ((   ))

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Five Golden Rings

                    .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.
                   ((_)) ((_)) ((_)) ((_)) ((_))
                    '-'   '-'   '-'   '-'   '-' 

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Six Geese A-Laying
    __         __         __         __         __         __
  >(' )      >(' )      >(' )      >(' )      >(' )      >(' )
    )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,
   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\
  /        ) /        ) /        ) /        ) /        ) /        )
  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/
   `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __
      ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)

On the seventh day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me:
Seven swans A-Swimming

       ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
      /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \    _,
      |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   / |
        //  _/ |//  _/  //  _/  //  _/  //  _/  //  _/  //  _/  |
       / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   _)
      /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   _/)
      \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-   /  

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Eight Maids A-Milking

          __.----.       __.----.        __.----.        __.----.___
(\(__)/)-'     (\(__)/)-'      (\(__)/)-'      (\(__)/)-'        ;--`
 `(uu)'      _  `(dd)'       _  `(gg)'       _  `(vv)'       _   | 
  )  (      (|)  )  (       (|)  )  (       (|)  )  (       (|)  |
 (o  o)     8~8 (o  o)      8~8 (o  o)      8~8 (o  o)      8~8 ,/
  `--'\_    (__).`--'\_    (__).'`--'\_    (__).'`--'\_    _(__)|
       `|||~~/\||     `|||~~/\||      `|||~~/\||      `||~|| /\||   
          __.----.       __.----.        __.----.       __.----.___
(\(__)/)-'      (\(__)/)-'     (\(__)/)-'     (\(__)/)-'        ;--`
 `(99)'       _  `(66)'      _  `(aa)'      _  `(ee)'        _  | 
  )  (       (|)  )  (      (|)  )  (      (|)  )  (        (|) |
 (o  o)      8~8 (o  o)     8~8 (o  o)     8~8 (o  o)       8~8,/
  `--'\_    (__).'`--'\_    (__).`--'\_    (__).`--'\_    _(__)|
       `|||~~/\||      `|||~~/\||     `|||~~/\||     `||~|| /\||   

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Nine Ladies Dancing

                     ()                       ()      0` |~
             ()    _/)(\_           ()      _/)(\_      0`
           _/)(\_   /^^\    ()    _/)(\_     /""\
            /~~\   /____\ _/)(\_   /``\     /____\
           /____\          /""\   /____\   ()
                   ()     /____\         _/)(\_      ()
         |~      _/)(\_           ()      /^^\     _/)(\_
        0` |~     /``\          _/)(\_   /____\     /~~\
          0`     /____\          /~~\              /____\

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Ten Lords A-Leaping

                              w              w
               w              0__           \0__
              \0__     w     /|_     w      /_
              /_     __0/  '\/ /    \0_  '\/ /    w
           '\/ /      /_       `    /_       `  __0/
               `   `\/  \,         _\ \,         /_
                w                 `           `\/  \,
               \0__      w                 w
               /_        0__       w      \0__
              _\ \,     /|_      __0/      |_
             `        `\/  \,     /_      _\ \,
                               `\/ /,    `   

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Eleven Pipers Piping
    _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _
  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)
   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")
   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\
  (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\)
   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
  _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Twelve Drummers Drumming

                  .-}        .-}        .-}
                  |_|        |_|        |_|
                  (_)        (_)  __    (_) .---.
                  | \ .--.   | \.'  '.  | \/     \
                  |\_|--o )  |\_|--o  ; |\_|--o   |
                  |:| '--'   |:|'.__.'  |:|\     /
                  |:|        |:|        |:| `---`
                  |:|_       |:|_       |:|_

        .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.
        |M|   |E|   |R|   |R|   |Y|   |X|   |M|   |A|   |S|
        (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)
       /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\
       [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX]
        |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
        |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
       _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_


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