Book Review – This is the Greatest Place & In the Forbidden City

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The following books have been provided as compensation for this review, the opinions and information are my own.

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This is the Greatest Place!: A Palace Inspired by the World of Small Animals & In the Forbidden City are both part of a series of books called “We All Live in the Forbidden City”
This is the Greatest Place!: A Palace Inspired by the World of Small Animals is written by Brian Tse & Illustrated by Alice Mak – Designed and directed at a younger audience, it shows a part of the Ancient Chinese history of how the Forbidden City Palace came to be and how the builders decided on the design. How every part of the Palace is designed to replicate a part of nature. Also it describes how they have preserved the Palace for over 600 years. It gives a young audience a glimpse at what life was like nearly 6 centuries ago.
In the Forbidden City is written by Chiu Kwong-Chiu a Hong Kong based Scholar who with his team, the Design and Cultural Studies Workshop who illustrated this book have deeply researched the Forbidden City to be able to provide such amazing details of what life was like. 
In the Forbidden City is more directed at possibly a Middle School to High School Audience, however with all the minuscule details to be found in this book that is a journey anyone could enjoy going through every page. You are provided a Magnifying glass so you can examine the illustrations in more detail and enjoy the beauty of the Palace.
With every turn of a page you a presented with a new adventure and information, with pages that open up to three times as wide as the book is, you will spend hours looking at the details.
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