Math Homework WOES

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My oldest son is 17, growing up I’ve never had to help him with Math (THANK GOD Cause I’m terrible at it) He has always just got it and it has been an awesome blessing on my part for him to not need the help.

Now here I am with my 9 yr old and he is completely the opposite, not only does he not get it, he could care less to get it, so when you sit down trying to help him he argues with you and refuses to listen to what your trying to tell him to find ways for him to understand.

Last night we realized he had 1 sheet of homework that still needed to get done, my 17 yr old wanted nothing to do with wasting his last night relaxing helping his brother like he usually does LOL, so he I was sitting on the floor trying my darnedest to help him with these very large multiplication problems.

After getting a quick refresher of how to do them out on paper from my 17 yr old LOL we sat going through each one line by line to get it all done. For a change he was actually trying and not arguing so we got through it pretty quick but he still makes such silly mistakes because he wants to rush through.

We made use of my iPad to draw the problems out on instead of paper so I think this might have helped keep his attention opposed to doing it on paper.

What ways do you manage to get through to your kids to keep them on task and to get through their homework.

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1 Comment

  • Tammy November 5, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    Oh boy! No fun.
    I like to grab die cut paper from Dollar Tree and
    Make flash cards. And making up silly games
    Worked for my oldest.