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Ok my local couponing friends, we need to have a little “Pow Wow” in regards to missing coupon inserts around Polk Co. It started at the beginning of June.
Have you noticed that your missing Red Plum in your Sunday Papers? So far you have lost out on 3 Red Plums this month, June 1st, June 15 and June 22. Especially if you purchase the Lakeland Ledger, Winter Haven News Chief or one of the Tampa Papers!! That is because there is a temporary situation that has caused Red Plum to choose not to be in the Tampa Bay area papers. Again this is TEMPORARY, I am hearing this should end by the end of July and I will let you know when I hear more.
As for now, your local choice to get your papers and have Red Plum still included is the Orlando Sentinel, however if you live to far into Polk Co it is near impossible to find the Orlando Sentinel ANYWHERE past 8 am, and if you do you might have to hit multiple stores to buy as many as you typically would buy, and lets not forget to mention the $2.00 a paper cost GAH!!
ANYWAYS there is another option and you will have your inserts by Tuesday typically, as long as you order no later than Sunday.
Insert Insanity ships from the Tampa area, but they have worked out a way to deal with the Red Plum not being local, and still get them to you. I have to say its like magic ya’ll LOL
I typically buy 6 papers a week, when the Tampa papers were not affected I would drive to Lakeland and buy 6 papers, $6.42 later I had my papers and I was a happy girl. Well now if I want to buy them local and have them on Saturday or Sunday since the Orlando Sentinel has coupons in both days, I might find myself searching BOTH DAYS for my papers. Imagine the gas I am wasting!! Plus at the cost of $12.84 for my 6 papers.
With Insert Insanity I can order my 6 sets of inserts hassle free and no wasting gas for $15.62 and be done with it. Tuesday when my mail comes, they are in my mail box. How easy right?? And at least while we have this local inconvenience I’ll pay the extra $2.78 and not waste gas, ya know what I mean??
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