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If you visit my Coupons.com page and look for the very high dollar value $6 coupon off 2 Schick Razor packages and print yourself 2 of those babies!!
Take them to Wal-Mart and grab yourself the $1.97 Value Price Packs seen here.
Now to add a disclaimer the coupon does state that no cash back is to be given if value of coupon exceeds value of product. HOWEVER if you are purchasing other items the overage does apply to your cart purchases.
So that is 2 packs of razors for FREE with every coupon. NOw here is the even BETTER part inside those packages are $3 coupons off 1 pack. (Note same disclaimer on these too so buy other items)
SOO Hey wanna get a little crazy LMAO take your purchases out to the car. Rip these open pull the coupons out go back in and get yourself even more free razors HAHA
I totally didn’t even notice the $3 coupon inside until I was setting up to take the picture 😀
Here is the coupons inside and even better they don’t expire until 5/1/12 YAY for super lasting coupons.

So show me some love for this heads up. Go grab your coupons HERE and then head to Wal-Mart 🙂
Squeal ya later,
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