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When I was a pre-teen and young teenager, my mother insisted that I not start shaving. One for the fact that what hair I did have was blonde and really not visible, also she hoped by delaying it that it would keep me from having to shave as much as I got older.
Well the latter did happen and for years I could go quite a while without shaving, then randomly after I had my second son my hair started to not come through the skin at all. I ended up with hard little bumps all over my legs that had a hair lumped up inside. VERY BIZARRE to say the least. Also gave me a reason to stop all together other than maybe occassionally using an electric shaver because I was afraid I was gonna clip those little bumps and would end up with very bloody legs LOL.
When I started couponing one of the first things that I ended up getting a large stock of was razors, no big shock there. With a husband and a teenager son I of course made sure a large portion of that stock was guys shavers. Of course occasionally I would pick up a few ladies shavers and up until a few weeks ago had not broke any out since I was dealing with this whole bumpy skin thing. Well I started noticing that the hairs were not staying under the skin as much and decided hum lets break one of these babies out.
I’ve now reached a point of needing to shave at least once a week all because I decided to try out my shavers I picked up cheap with coupons LOL.
SO this is how coupons have made me have to start shaving 🙂 darn it lol.
Yes these are my legs 😛 chunky yes, scarred from a bad car accident yes but mine none the less LOL. Enjoy haha.
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1 Comment
Lol. It’s nice to have a neighbor to borrow from too.
Hey, it’s practical just like that cup of sugar.