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There is an awesome site called Teachers Lists where you can share your supply needs with parents, think of it as a year round Teachers Wish List 😉
Right now when you Sign Up & and create a list we will both get a “Clean Start Kit” with Bounty & Puffs products for FREE! Be sure to add Bounty & Puffs products to your list for us both to qualify for this Free Reward.
The “Clean Start Kit” includes 2 boxes of Puffs and a Roll of Bounty Paper Towels, once you are signed up though, start inviting other teachers and you will earn this over and over for each teacher that signs up, and they also will earn this same sign up bonus.
Get 5 Teachers to sign up and you get a “Super Clean-Up Kit” LOADED with Puffs & Bounty, it really is Win- Win
All kits that I earn through sign ups will be directly sent to my sons school, so as I am supporting his school, you can help support yours.
Thanks Crazy Coupon Train for the Heads Up
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