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First this is a deal you will probably have to jump quick at with the changes that are coming to eBay in regards to coupons.
But here is the deal if you hop on eBay and search Kohls Coupons you will find 10 packs of Kohl’s
$10 off $10 coupons!! The ones I’m seeing expire 08/31 so you have to hurry!!
I was lucky and found a 10 pack that expired 08/25 for only $1.97, once you purchase them, they will be emailed to you as a pdf ready to print out.
Some rules to follow – They are Limit One Per Person. Both stores I went to were fine with me paying for all the purchases as long as my boys were with me. The first store let me combine 3 together. The system did not like it and they manually put it through but still a cool deal. The 2nd I just made sure all my purchases were over $10 before tax to avoid any issues.
In the 2 days I had to use them I only personally managed to use 5 of the 10, I also gave my mom and aunt 1 ea and when I got done shopping today I surprised 3 lucky shoppers 🙂
I managed to get 2 pairs of shorts my son can actually wear to school that will fit within the uniform requirements, 1 Polo Tee, a new belt and a pack of socks!!
Between the Cost of the coupons and what I spent in store my Final Cost was only $5.19!!
My Aunt got herself a Dress and only had to pay $2 out of pocket and my Mom got herself a very expensive purse that was marked down to $18 and only paid $8 out of pocket!!
So go on go hit eBay and search Kohls Coupons and get yourself some good deals too!!
Another way to get yourself a Free coupon, hit the Kohl’s website and on the right where it says More to Explore Click Sign up for Sale Alerts, they will send you an email with a $5 off $5 coupon 😀
I have to give a Huge Shout Out to Freetail Therapy for pointing out this AWESOME DEAL 😀 She did way more awesome since she has more kids 😀
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