Do you Have a Stain Removal Tip?? It could win you some Prizes

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This is a cool Contest!! Share A Stain Removal Tip and you could win some really great prizes like a Digital Camera, a Grill, a Bike or even a Tent!! Just in time for some Summer Fun! I am totally entering this. You never know when you will win one of these type of contests.

It is a simple one page entry, not a ton of hoops to jump through.

Click “Share A Laundry Stain Tip” above and login with your Facebook account for a chance to win a weekly prize from Resolve.

Share your tip to be automatically entered for a chance to win weekly prizes.

The more tips you share the more chances you have to win.

We all have our little secrets we do to get stains out of our families clothes.

How cool would it be to win a prize for that tid bit of knowledge??

CLICK the above Image and Enter your tip.

How exciting right?? Why not click one of those share buttons below and let your friends know 🙂

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  • Terri Werner June 18, 2013 at 1:29 am

    You can’t beat having Sprite on hand.. At a baby shower….one of the ladies spilled sauce on her white pants…I told her rub Sprite on it…….tada…good as new!

    • OOingle June 18, 2013 at 1:40 am

      Thats cool 🙂 however to enter you need to click the image above and tell Resolve about it 😉 – I am always happy to get comments though LOL