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As someone that is always looking for a deal, I can not stand to pay FULL PRICE – That is like a dirty word around my house!! However both my Husband and Myself we love our gadgets and technology, as do our kids. Now in most cases you are not going to come across coupons for electronics LOL.
The next best thing to coupons is sales of course, if you are dead set on buying brand new never loved on devices. But what do you do when even a sale price is not good enough?
A lot of people will turn to Craigslist or eBay to buy their items used, but they are exactly that. USED, no different than buying a used car, you very well could be buying someone else’s problems.
My next suggestion, which a lot of people think is worse than buying used even but I think in most cases is almost as good as buying Brand New. Buying Manufacturer Refurbished Electronics. Notice the emphasis on Manufacturer. Take Apple for example, they offer a refurbished section on their website. in mast cases they have deducted the price by 20%, I have purchased plenty of items from this section and they are always just as good as new, and any known bugs that there were from new have been fixed. Apple always goes over their returned items with a fine tooth comb, gives them brand new cases, and new a battery.
Apple is not alone in this process however. Many Manufacturers do this to returned items that were not completely defective and resell them at a much cheaper price.
I have purchased many reliable refurbished electronics from 1 Sale a Day. The shipping time sometimes is a bit slower than you might like on a hotter deal, but the items I’ve ever received are in brand new condition, and I have never had a single complaint with a purchase.
Amazon is another site that is full of decent deals on refurbished electronics.
Just remember next time you are searching for your next technology purchase, do not by pass a good deal because it says its refurbished. You might end up with the best deal possible!!
Another positive to buying Refurbished!! It is a form of recycling so you are doing a favor to yourself the future by saving some money and buying a refurbished device.
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