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Its a new month which means new printables are out and ready to print. So lets hop right in here and fire up those printers folks 🙂
Here is my list of top coupons to print and any deals I know to use them with.
- $1.00 off TWO General Mills Cereals
- $0.30 off ONE Haribo Gummy Product
- Dollar Tree and Dollar General have them for $1.00 ($0.70 after coupon)
- $1.00 off FOUR Chef Boyardee
- These are around $0.96-$1.00 each at Walmart
- $1.00 off TWO Hamburger Helper
- These are $1.50 at Walmart
- $1.00 off ONE Tide Detergent
- CVS starting 5/4 Tide will be $2.94=$1.94 after coupon
- $2.00 off ONE Speed Stick Gear Deodorant
- These run like for about $3.64 at Walmart
- $1.00 off TWO Hefty Slider Bags
- Dollar Tree and Dollar General have these for $1.00=$0.50 per box after coupon
- $2.00 off ONE Sambazon Drink
- No size restrictions so possible freebie
- $1.00 off ONE Energizer Batteries
- Commissary has 4pk for $1.99=$0.99 after coupon
- $2.00 off ONE Ocean Potion Product
- Walmart has the face products for $2.97=$0.97 after coupon
- $0.55 off ONE Mr Clean Magic Eraser
- 2ct Magic Erasers are around $1.97 at Walmart=$1.47 after coupon
Thanks Deal Searching Mama
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