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Yes I am using the cliche line from Ratatouille lol but I keep hearing from people time and time again “Oh I can’t coupon, I don’t have time for it.” If I can find time to do it ANYONE CAN.
Also I get “I clip coupons but then forget to take them with me or I bring them with and forget to use them”. There are so many easy ways around these obstacles also. If you have the desire to not spend full price on your groceries you will make the time for it and you will find a way that works for you to remember your coupons.
I work full time, and have an hr and half drive each day both to and from work. SO that is 11 hrs of my day that is taken up where I am not at home sorting my coupons. I also have 2 boys still in school, a 4th grader and a 12th grader. My 9 yr old needs someone to make sure he has done his homework properly, then I need to cook dinner and make sure they are good for the next day.
I also run this site 🙂 and I still manage to coupon, it is out of necessity and that sheer desire to have 50% or more savings everytime I go to the store. I cringe if I have to pay full price anymore. I also like to help others learn how to make this possible.
Here is how I work around these issues. Usually Tues or Weds is my end of the sales period shopping trip. On those days the moment I come home I hit my other favorite sites that do match-ups for Publix or Winn-Dixie and make one last pass over what was hot for the week that I may have missed, I clip what coupons I need and get my tush to the store. These nights usually consist of picking up a quick dinner at the store since I am out and not at home cooking.
On Thurs when Publix’s new sale starts I might run out that night if there is some CRAZY deal that I’m afraid won’t stick around long but in most cases I wait till Friday morning when I am off and go shopping then for the new sales period. I also might even wait till Saturday and go to another Publix that accepts Target coupons that is a bit farther away.
My other time saver is that I DO NOT CLIP MY COUPONS beforehand. I have tried many, many ways of organizing my coupons, the binder method was great for when I was learning but very time consuming and sure I did not have time for all that. Next I tried still clipping them but putting them in small file boxes that I could still bring with me, that way they were in categories but I didn’t have to put them in pages, that didn’t work because I ran out of room and was still time consuming. I now use MyCouponKeeper to keep any lose coupons organized and ready to take with me, along with any coupons I plan to use.
I now take my inserts and I keep them in a large file box, I have a hanging file folder for each Sunday that there are coupons, then inside that file folder is individual files for each type of insert. So now when I am going over the coupon match-ups and see 08/19 RP I can just go to the 08/19 folder and pull out the Red Plum folder there and page through my inserts to find the coupons. Another thing I try and keep up with is I will tear apart all the pages and match the pages up and staple them together that way when I go looking for a coupon they are all together. But again that is a time consuming process and I usually fall behind on that LOL.
All in all you find what works for you and your time limits but can always find a way to work it in to keep them organized and still get in on awesome deals.
This is not an issue I run into anymore, back before I got serious yes I would forget them quite often. I now keep MyCouponKeeper with me and keep my coupons organized inside based on what I am shopping for. I also usually use my coupons like a shopping list. I will pull them out the moment I get to the store and as I put the items in the cart I places the coupons in the cart also in a stack, that way they are out and I see them and have them readily available to hand over at checkout cause BABY thats cash there 🙂
If you need a more organized option I always recommend MyCouponKeeper, it will help keep your shopping trip organized and makes your coupons ready to use aisle by aisle.
So just remember if you equip yourself with the right tools, and right frame of mind you can and will make couponing work for you and your family. And will enjoy the crazy rush of those savings at the register 🙂
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